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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ubisoft's DRM Plans Are A Bit Over The Top

Ubisoft, along with every other game publisher, is trying hard to lessen the piracy of their games. Over the years we have all seen different DRMs(Digital Rights Management) come and go, some terrible, and some not too bad. However, it seems that Ubisoft wants to take the throne when it comes to "most annoying DRM ever".PC Gamer's Tom Francis wrote an article on Ubisofts new DRM for the upcoming PC release of Assassin's Creed 2.
"If you get disconnected while playing, you're booted out of the game, all your progress since the last checkpoint or savegame is lost, and your only options are to quit to Windows or wait until you're reconnected."
It's been known that Ubisoft is a fan of the online verification method when it comes to DRMs, but personally, I think this is taking it a bit too far. I'm sure all of you have experienced a couple of internet connection drops while playing games, but could you imagine what it would have been like if that game you were playing had used Ubisofts newest DRM?
Please, feel free to discuss this topic further in the comments, as I'm sure many of you have a "kind" thing or two to say about it.

"You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind".


  1. This sounds pretty ridiculous... I'll stick with consoles for most games

    SC2 beta is out hallelujah! Now I just gotta win a key :D

  2. That's pretty ridiculous. When DRM inhibits gameplay, you are going a bit far.

  3. Not a fan of DRM, especially of this magnitude.

  4. Why should people who buy games be punished instead of those who download illegal copies of the game.

  5. yea the DRM sounds horrible and will only promote piracy....

  6. Wow, that's heavy handed. And as usual this will do nothing to prevent piracy.

  7. I blame Yves for this. He has always complained about PC games and piracy. I thought they would have learned their lesson with Starforce, but I guess I'm wrong.

  8. DRM is getting ridiculous... you'd think after Itunes broke the record industry, we'd see less of it overall

  9. This is why they're not supporting the pc as much as they used to.

  10. "You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind".
    I have noticed the quote, give me the beta key please!

  11. This is still not gonna stop groups from cracking the game, only make it more annoying for everybody.

    Also, Ghost quote: "You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind".

  12. that sounds awfull.
    Are you playing sc2 beta yet?

  13. I've never really liked Ubisoft's games, they all are kinda bland...and now they really want to screw over customers. Awesome.

  14. Thats pretty lame, also SC2 PLEASE AHHH!!!

  15. I don't know...$60 is a lot for a PC game, where you have to upgrade so much to get it to run. I hear rumors that SC2 will cost $60, too...but I'd shell that out cuz of all of Blizzard's polish.

  16. Quote is from the ghost. :)

    Nuclear launch detected... :O!

  17. At first, I didn't care, because I really don't care for Ubisoft anymore. Then I realized that Ubisoft recently bought Nadeo, the creators of the Trackmania series.

    If this crap shows up in Trackmania II, heads will roll.

  18. this behavior will made UBI lost a lot of players

  19. yeah it seems more and more that internet connection is being required to play games. i think EA was the first to really start it as paranoid about hacking they are

  20. That is ridiculous. My internet connection would go down when my roommate accidentally bumped the router. Also, can't wait for SC2!

  21. Oh man. I seriously cannot wait to play SC2.

  22. I can't wait to nuke down my oponent!!! Boom!!!

  23. Great post! Please post more!


  24. This is so foolish they will only do it if they want their forums visited daily by i hate this game posts

    "Need a Light"

  25. Hah, swarm of people coming in today in hopes of beta key. Nice, guys :P

  26. i hope this boat does no crash ;)

  27. I love starcraft more than my parents.

  28. what does reap the whirlwind mean anyways?

  29. Starcraft 2 beta, Diablo 3 is already up for pre-order on Amazon...Blizzard you complete me :)

  30. Never been a diablo fan... Loved SC though, cant wait to play SC2

  31. Did somebody call for an exterminator?

  32. Downloaded SC2 just need a key baaad!

  33. I hate that they are doing this to people. When will big game companies learn? Oh and Starcraft II.

  34. When will they learn that DRM only harms the people that pay for their products, not the pirates. Someone will find a way around it


  36. That's a pretty apt quote... I don't know why they think harming the user experience will work as a good deterrent. I can't see how you can explain that authentication scheme out loud and not hear how ridiculous it is.

  37. Was not aware of this DRM, thanks for the heads up.

  38. Starcraft 2 of course!

  39. Its almost my bday! haha scII please.

  40. Im really looking forward to starcraft 2

  41. whoa contest ends soon! Looking forward to BETA

  42. "all your progress since the last checkpoint or savegame is lost"

    Yeah, I don't think I can get behind a system like that!

  43. I love starcraft... assassin's creed was great too and ubisoft is going DRM crazy

  44. I always thought it would come to this, but never thought they would do it any time soon.

  45. Wow, this stuff is getting pretty ridiculous.

    This is right up there with the new Socom PSP thing, where you pay an extra $20 just to play online.

  46. somebody call for an exterminator?
