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Monday, February 15, 2010

Heroes of Newerth Beta Invites

Well you guys are in luck! I have just received some more Heroes of Newerth Beta Invites from our friends at S2 Games. I was think how I could give these away but I decided since I'm already running the Starcraft 2 Beta Key Contest, that I'd just give these away to the first 6 people who comment on this post.
So gone on and post away! Best of luck to everyone!


  1. lets see if its as good as LoL =]

  2. I'm already in this beta so I don't need a key thanks :P
    Kinda been going on for a long time, maybe Blizzard will take their example and release Starcraft on Christmas *laughs nervously*

  3. May I have a Starcraft 2 beta instead?

  4. Me too, SCII beta please! lol... I know that probably won't happen, but I'll take anything! WCIII seems so desolate since the SCII beta release ; ;
