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Monday, February 15, 2010

Peter Molyneux Promises He Has Learned His Lesson About "Over-Promising"

The main man behind the Fable series, and Lion Head Studios, Peter Molyneux. Has come out and said that he has now learned his lesson about "over-promising" how his games will actually end up. Molyneux is known for having many genius ideas, but then not being able to actually deliver them in his finished games. This time, according to Peter Molyneux, it will be different.
“I definitly have learnt my lesson about over-promising.” he promises. “There is a ton of work to do for sure, and the team are working hard. I truly believe.”
I'll believe it when I see the finished copy of Fable 3, but until then, I'm taking everything Molyneux says with a grain of salt.

"Whatever it is, it ain't natural. Burn it, boys".


  1. Oh Raynor, you know just what to say.

  2. I've never played any Fable... maybe Ill grab one used

  3. Peter Molyneux AKA The Hype Machine

  4. Can't say I'm a fan of the Fable series, so he can say whatever he wants, I still won't buy the games.

  5. I believe him everytime but I always end up disapointed.

  6. He said the same thing after Fable 1. I like the games okay, but I don't believe anything the guy says.

  7. The things he's said about Fable III don't seem too exaggerated to not me in the game. But, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  8. Every studio has ideas for great games with the thousands, what makes someone a good game designer is transforming the great idea into a great game. Those are 2 completely different concepts... you can't enjoy playing a great idea xD It has to be fitted into good gameplay.
    So from that point of view, he's not a very good game designer.

  9. we'll see if molyneaux can finally deliver what he says he will... haha he never does tho


  10. So excited for this game... if the last DLC for Fable 2 was a good indication of the future of the franchise I am stoked!

    SC2 will be a great sequel too

  11. Black & White now there's a good game

    also Starcraft is good

  12. I always wanted to play Black & White, but I didn't have a computer that could run it back then.

  13. Maybe he'll be able to deliver his great ideas ^.^

  14. I don't know. Holding hands sold me on this one, guys.

  15. haha I doubt he'll deliver on all his ideas in fable 3. Hopefully he will and it will be a good game

  16. Somebody call for an exterminator?

  17. What the hell did they do to that Command Center?!

  18. NEver played Fable... donno if it's worth it

    zerg ARE disgusting and naturally unnatural

  19. I was so excited for Fable when I came out...then I was disappointed by all the promises that fell through...then I saw Fable II and thought "Well, the first was a test run he can follow through with it all now!" then I played it...and realized he didn't.

    I'm not believing anything, even him saying he's learned about "over-promising" for Fable III.

  20. Haha. Molyneux says that same thing about how he's learned his lesson about hype, each and every time he releases a game. I do love the games, and he is a legend, but is mouth will always get ahead of him.

  21. lets just hope he doesnt lower the bar as a result!

  22. I really liked 1, 2 was ok, we'll see for the future

  23. Fable 1 was amazing. I have to say I enjoyed Fable 2 as well, but it just seemed much too short. If it were longer, it would have been a solid game.


  24. Fable? never heard of it! Need more SC2!!

  25. only played fable 1 but loved it

    "Rock n Roll"

  26. Project Natal will still be amazing no matter how long it takes for proper software !

  27. Bottlecrooozer operational

  28. He for sure over promised Fable II, hopefully Fable III will be better. Starcraft!

  29. Over-promising isn't a problem...if you deliver on your promises

  30. starcraft ftw!!!!!!!

  31. Molyneux always rambles on about stuff when he presents his games


  32. A promise he will undoubtedly break very soon.
