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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Quick Thoughts: Heavy Rain Demo

I have just finished playing the Heavy Rain Demo, which is available on PSN, and I have a few things that I would like to say about it.
Since its announcement Heavy Rain has been a title that I've been very interested in for multiple reasons. First, I am very interested to see what David Cage and his team at Quantic Dream are able to do on Sony's PS3 console, for a technology perspective. I also find the story, the little that I know about it, very interesting and I want to see the character development throughout Heavy Rain. Most importantly however, I want to experience this unique style of gameplay which blurs the lines between a movie and a video game.
Now that I have played through the Heavy Rain demo I can confidently say it is an experience you won't find anywhere else.
The premise of Heavy Rain is to try and solve a mystery murder case through the eyes of several different characters. In the demo you play as a private detective and an FBI agent, both of whom are in completely different parts of New York City where the story unfolds.
Heavy Rain's gameplay is a mix between an adventure game, and some quick-time events. Even for the most ordinary movements, such as opening a car door, you have to move the right analog stick in a way that matches the real life movement of the action.
You're able to move your character by holding down the R2 trigger and then move the left analog to steer him/her. At first it feels really weird, but you start to get used to it pretty fast. The genius part of this button layout is that it allows the player to use the right analog stick, along with all the "face-buttons", while the character is moving.
What really stood out to me was the seem-less flow which Heavy Rain moves at. Every action that you do on your controller feels so natural that I could have almost played through the entire demo without any button pop-ups, and I would have known what way I should move the analog sticks.
Since the demo was pretty short, about 30 minutes, I didn't get to see much character progression but I can tell you that the facial animations from each of these chracters are top-notch. Most of this game looks like a controllable cut-scene in a way that the graphics and character detail isn't usually this clear during actual gameplay.

I'll be sure to review the full game once it comes out, but until then I strongly suggest you all go and play the demo which is out now on Sony's PSN.

"Need a light?"


  1. Yeah, I've been meaning to download the demo off PSN and just haven't yet. I don't think this will be a day one purchase for me, maybe in a couple months after the price drops some. But who knows, the demo could change my mind.

  2. "Need a light?"

    Yes please!

    Also if I had a PS3 I would purchase this game, I enjoyed Indigo Prophecy and this looks great!

  3. Played the demo, I'm conflicted in terms of game-play, but the story looks enticing enough.

  4. From what I have read, it's really a mixed bag. Based on the amount of work put into this game, I hope it turns out for the best.

  5. I'm still torn on if I want to get this.

  6. Can't wait for this game, it looks so amazing!

  7. yes I do need a light

    I wish I had a PS3 for this game!

  8. Big fan of Indigo Prophecy. After playing the demo for this, I really can't wait to get the full game. :)

  9. Oh this game looks awesome.
    I wish I had a PS3

  10. I can't wait to play it either. I wonder if they are still doing the preorder/get the free DLC thing.

  11. Looks like a good game, but from vids it seems to just take quick time events to a new level...

    light 'er up!

  12. This game looks great, with a real emotional connection. Interesting that it is also very much similar to movies, with less input from the gamer


  13. That looks pretty crazy. Before I read on how this was a game, I was trying to figure out if the chick with the gun was a real person or not.

  14. I so want to get this game. Just need a ps3, too! Yarr

  15. want this game and ps3

    "Wanna turn up the heat?"

  16. This isn't a game... it's a movie and a bad one

  17. starcraft will distract me from this game too much though

  18. I really enjoyed the demo, I got it earlier for doing that little prescient game. It's a breath of fresh air, as I've been playing waaaaaaaaay too many shooters lately. Can't wait to pick it up this coming week.

  19. I really want to play this, have my gift card ready and waiting. I loved indigo prophecy.

  20. reminded of the brood war rap song

  21. This game is the closest thing to a cinematic so far. It should be an experience.

    Starcraft 2 beta? :)

  22. In for a contest key please =)

  23. Looks awesome too bad i dont have a ps3


  24. My life for Aiur. :-)

  25. I think this game has been over hyped to be honest.

  26. Over hyped? its a sequel to the most classic game ever made?

  27. I think we just need a new X-Com game now and my life will be complete

  28. This is going to be a day 1 purchase for me. Looks like a new branch of gaming. Starcraft!!

  29. Hope the full game is as good as the demo

  30. Enter obligatory sc2 comment here <333333

  31. Generic SC2 comment here :P (thanks)

  32. starcraft 2 plzzzzzz

  33. Need a key too for this famous Starcraft 2 ! :)

  34. haha need a light :D terran firebats!
    <3 starcraft 2

  35. WHOOO starcraft!!!!!!! lol what are my chances tho... still better than Opt in

  36. This game should be pretty good... wish i had a PS3

  37. Firebats are actually terran prisoners who are let out of jail in exchange for dying by zealot blade lol

  38. i heard its gonna be pretty sick on a blog

  39. I won't be getting this one for quite some time (X-Mas bills are still hurting me) so I'll be looking forward to your review.

    I really enjoyed the demo, though.
