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Monday, March 8, 2010

Real Life Portal Gun

Wow, there sure is a lot of Valve news over the past week. Well buckle down, becuase you're about to get hit with some more.
Although...this isn't really valve news...
A video popped up on Youtube today of a couple guys playing with a "real" portal gun.

You might have noticed the last frame flash something weird. Well, if your good at pausing, you can see that its a bunch of random letters, and a distorted picture from Portal.
It could be some viral marketing for Portal 2, or maybe just a fan film, no one knows for sure.
Update: It seems someone has "cracked the code" from that last frame. A member of the popular video game blog, Kotaku, found out what it says.
The message says "Hey there! I hope you liked this video! I'm very very sorry that you spent your time cracking this, but this has nothing to do with any upcoming Valve products. It's just ol' Freddie Wong being a total jackass!
Time is something you will never get back so hopefully you had a laugh or two!"
"But hey dude, if you're the first to crack this, send me a YouTube message with the phrase, "Freddie you are a jerk and I want my time back" and ill hook you up with something. At some point.
By the way, Sam's working on our next project there on his computer, inspired by Activision's recent activity. Keep an eye out. Sincerely, Freddie, Brandon, and Matthew, the coolest dudes on the internet."

All credit goes to Kotaku blog member: Tim.Davila

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