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Monday, March 29, 2010

More Rumors That Resistance 3 Is In Development

Last year in October, a picture of a Resistance 3 billboard hit the web. The billboard was supposedly placed for an advertisement in a movie shoot for, Battle: Los Angeles, scheduled to come 18 February 2011.
Its been a while since that picture, and the Resistance 3 rumors have died down a bit...until now. Sony recently sent a pretty strange survey to it's PlayStation fans, one that "hypothetically" brings up Resistance 3.
 "Do you think that there is a future version of Resistance, Resistance 3 being developed?" was one of the questions, the second asked, how likely the reader would be to purchase this hypothetical game.
It's a bit strange for Sony to ask for this kind of information, as I don't see any real benefits to it. If it's already in development, which it probably is, then it seems a bit late to see if people actually want one.
I guess this kind of info could be used to see how much money Sony should put into the marketing for this game, but something like that might be better judged after a trailer of some sorts.
In any case, when you look at Insomniac's track record of releasing a Resistance game one holiday season and a Ratchet and Clank game the next holiday season, I think its pretty certain that we'll see Resistance 3 later this year.

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