I really enjoyed my time spent with Dante's Inferno, but that's not to say that it was a good game. As most of you know, Dante's Inferno is almost a direct God of War clone, but there are a few and subtle differences. I will however not make this a comparison article as I want to evaluate this game as a stand alone title.

I'll start with the story. This story and this time period is one that isn't often visited by video games across the board and because of that I applaud it. However, if you are going into this looking for a video game transcript of the "Divine Comedy" you are going to be greatly disappointed. The story takes almost nothing from the "Divine Comedy" except for the main character's names. With that said though, I don't believe that Dante's Inferno is a bad story. It ranks pretty evenly with most other video games who's stories aren't the main focus of such a title.
The reason why someone should be playing this game is because of the combat. The combat in this game handles pretty well but it feels pretty mediocre overall. The main issue that I have with it, is that it quickly becomes repetitive and that there doesn't seem to be much skill involved. Dante only gets two weapons throughout the entire game, and a couple of spells most of which are pretty useless in the grand scheme of things. On top of button mashing that is Dante's Inferno combat, the quick-time events also take a sour turn pretty fast into the game. There are certain moves/finishers that require quick-time events, but the order of the button presses never changes for each of these specific moves. This lead to me knowing what button I had to press before the quick-time event had already started, which in turn made the whole notions of quick-time events seem completely useless.
There's a lot more to this game that I will write about in an official review, which will be coming soon, but until then I feel that this Quick Thought will give you a little bit more insight into Dante's Inferno.
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