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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Metro 2033 Is Going To Launch With Steamworks

A4's new game Metro 2033, which takes place in a fallout-style underground metro system, is going to be launching with Steam. What this means is that it will require Steam to be installed onto your computer, regardless if you buy a retail copy. Metro 2033 isn't the first game to venture down this path, Unreal Tournament 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 required a Steam installation as well.
It seems to be a growing trend to have Steam/Valve handle a games updating and patching process. I for one am all for Steam doing the more technical aspects of digital game sales. It doesn't require for studios to get a whole separate team, and they can also spend more time cranking out actual content.
I guess its just another step the fully digital future, which doesn't seem to be too far away.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah thats true, cant stop the feeling that its going to be like this in the not to far away future. We will see...
