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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

David Cage Is Done Writing Thriller Games

It seems that David Cage's Heavy Rain will be his last game under the "thriller" genre. Cage recently came out and said this,
"I'm really happy I've done so because I wanted to have a very codified genre that I can really play with, I know where the boundaries are, it's really well defined for me and for everybody and at the same time I can try to play and learn within this space," explains Cage. "Now I think I'm grown up enough to say, OK, let's expand the space and try to see what else I can do with what I've learned."
I for one am always up for people breaking their "mold" and trying new things. I'm also excited to see that David Cage is planning on making more games after Heavy Rain.
Even though Cage's thrillers seem to be very well received, too much of a good thing is...well its just too much.


  1. This game will definitely be a different experience. Hopefully it performs.

    SC2? lol

  2. You said starcraft 2 ? You re as much crazy as me lol
