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Friday, March 12, 2010

New Brink Trailer Shown At GDC

Bethesda and Splash Damage's newest game, Brink, has just gotten a new trailer shown at this year's GDC.

Every time I see a new video regarding Brink, it looks better and better. The overall look of this game seems fantastic, and add that to the awesome new tech, Brink looks like a very promising title.
I'll have to wait till I can get my hand on it to really give my full opinion, but that will have to wait until later this year.

1 comment:

  1. This was a game I was kind of excited about till I found out that their supposedly amazing customization options basically included different clothes on a dumb white guy. Which made me really consider if the rest of the game was going to be that half assed. I've seen a few videos and it seems they've improved the customization somewhat since those initial trailers. I have to admit though that no female characters has a strong impact on my perception of this game, it feels like all the guys playing the game can create a strong customized character that really represents them on the battlefield, while because apparently Bethesda is too short sighted to expect me to be playing doesn't think i deserve a character I can relate to, and will thus resort to creating just another Jarhead on the battlefield. I think I'll be sticking to Team Fortress 2.
